On recreation, tourism and leisure in the workplace



Every company must have a recreational program where recreation, tourism and culture in order to reduce accidents and occupational diseases is integrated, as well as improve their living conditions (Article 104 of the LOPCYMAT). Likewise, Article 36 of the Regulation provides that the LOPCYMAT quarterly must report the following aspects of each work:

1. Workday.
2. Long working overtime.
3. Break Time in the day.
4. Mandatory days off.
5. Furlough days actually enjoyed.
6. Conventional days rest.
7. Days actually enjoyed conventional break.
8. Number of vacation days.
9. Number of days actually enjoyed vacation.
10. Social benefits in terms of rest and use of leisure time, especially in the field of social tourism.

If your business requires the completion of this program,Medicina Laboral de Venezuela, C.A. you can carry it out. For this, CONTACT.


In this regard, the Regional Council of Delegates Prevention Carabobo State (COREDEPRESCA) has very interesting material on how to make such a program, which can be seen on their website or by clicking on buttons marked below.