Medicina Laboral de Venezuela C.A. functions within its Department of Safety and Health at Work, forming emergency plans in the workplace. The legal base is on the COVENIN 3478-1999 entitled SOCORRISMO EN LAS EMPRESAS and LOPCYMAT.
The standard defines the lifesaving in companies such as immediate assistance so in companies for medical or non-medical staff, trained for the purpose, a rugged, injured or ill, before definitive treatment can be carried out with the purpose of stabilizing, alleviating and / or improve the affected until can have health care.La norma establece que dentro de todo centro de trabajo debe existir una brigada de socorristas compuesta por el 10% de la nómina, distribuidos en todas las áreas y turnos de la empresa.
There should be a first aid kit whose contents appear in the standard and a plan of evacuation drills and emergency plan.
The course on lifesaving should include the following items (COVENIN 3478-1999):
-Definition, importance and objectives. What to do in case of an emergency. Lifesaving protection against the risks associated with such activity.
-Shock: types and primary care.
-Specific injuries: burns, heat exhaustion, wounds, bleeding, fractures, dislocation and sprains, pains (pains), poisoning, cardiovascular resuscitation, electrical decargas, immobilization and transport of wounded.
-Other topics based on the risks of the company (see Programme on Safety and Health at Work).
This course should be broader, and intensive for the rescue brigade. For the rest of the employees of a company, it must also be issued a course in first aid (Technical Standard-01-2008), which should not be so broad and intensive. The brigade should be actively involved with the Department of Safety and Health at Work to develop the plan.