Medicina Laboral de Venezuela C.A. has its own equipment and Hygiene Laboratory for conducting studies jobs and workplaces.
A summary of our studies:
-Noise studies in compliance with COVENIN 1565:1995 standard. We perform environmental sonometrías and personal noise dosimetry. We also conducted the survey data to map noise in the workplace.
-Studies of heat and cold based on COVENIN 2254:1995 standard. We performed the measurement of metabolic burden, according to COVENIN 2254:1995 or by ISO 8996. Additionally we can determine the rate of Fanger (ISO 7730) and sweat rate required by ISO 7933.
-Light Studies based on COVENIN 2249:1993 standard. Conducted to determine the local and general lighting.
-Studies of dust according to COVENIN 2252:1998. This measurement is performed by a gravimetry survey equipment complying with the standards of the ACGIH.
-Vibration studies that met the COVENIN 2255:1991 and other international standards.
These studies are performed by a hygienist with graduate studies in Venezuela and abroad.If your workplace has a hygienist or an industrial engineer, we can impart training through courses and diploma courses issued by our training center for professionals: IUNETE Foundation.